程樂 發表於 2010-5-18 20:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
How much for 8, 10 inches 之前用過mininova IV 10""
都幾快反應, 聽落個速度唔比M&K差, 起碼有8成
但唔打心口, 同埋力就唔太夠, 可能得10"既關係
要留意2手價唔高, 放賣時可能價錢較低 回復 14# randyma
8吋就$4XXX,10吋就$6XXX-7XXX 回復 16# 程樂
個價其實唔係差SUNFIRE 好多, 到你再想升級你就知SUNFIRE 同V記/MK...等等 點解貴其他牌子少少, 因為二手價硬好多~ 呢個都係其中一個POINT 地震牌, 非常有名既 subwoofer 應該唔錯
聽過 sales 講其實 sunfire 係抄佢, 唔怪得兩者咁相似 ...
akira11092 發表於 2010-5-18 19:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
yes, i heard that b4 2{:1_254:} the dealer is sound concepts, also sell Lexicon, Revel http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=18072&highlight= {:1_345:} My bro in low system using the earthquake minime p12. So far so good. Lower bass very strong, more like sunfire type. Can play very loud and very low bass, but 唔打心口. Totally no 打心口 feel. {:6_162:} 回復 20# eclipse13
我就係唔鍾意打心口FEEL,最好一浸浸,好有包圍感就最正~ 回復 19# HP2210