buyo 發表於 2010-5-19 16:05

當我打去問有關505u嘅相位時,佢就問我 [你用緊咩cdp呀],我話大陸嗰部斯巴克17a囉]!佢條x樣即刻笑左一聲,好 ...
avlam 發表於 2010-5-19 14:49
可能佢自己笑自己呢。無論點都好,佢都係無telephone manner 架啦。依啲中小企,邊會主重telephone manner。

wk163388 發表於 2010-5-19 18:36

樓主,點解吾要s2000?我都想了解一下,因我都用505u,D-05價格又高左D,我聽古典,人聲多,另想換喇叭,ATC scm19,又怕505u吾夠力,各位c兄比D意見丫

faihim 發表於 2010-5-19 19:19


鬼馬小靈精 發表於 2010-5-19 21:22

我都覺得好難試係唔係反相,所以我會check 說明書資料。

wk163388 發表於 2010-5-19 22:20


obee 發表於 2010-5-20 09:57

c-hing, if you think there's problem in 相位, that means you can hear the difference when you:
1. reverse the +/- of speaker cables, or
2. you switch the phase button at the back.
I think if you feel the sound is better when you do any of the above, then there's no need to follow the rule. Just choose what you think can produce the best sound. We should enjoy listening music rather than following the rules.

However, if you think there's defect in hardware, then you have right to call for warranty service.

obee 發表於 2010-5-20 10:22

As I know, there are several circuits from power socket to speaker:

1. Wall socket (AC) -> Amp
2. Amp (AC to DC)
3. Amp (DC amplify, either single-end or push pull)
4. Amp (convert to AC again) -> Speaker

The place that can have 相位 problem is in step 1 and step 4. From the manual, luxman507u can detect the 相位 problem in step 1. When there's problem, the light near the AC power-in socket will be lit. But for step 4. We could just check by inspection.

faihim 發表於 2010-5-20 18:04

faihim兄,505u同ATC夾嗎?感到505u似後生仔咁,有冲勁,有D燥,各位有無喇叭好推介?20k左右? ...
wk163388 發表於 2010-5-19 22:20

如果用20K買spk,聽古典人聲,可以考慮下spendor or focus audio

wk163388 發表於 2010-5-20 19:03

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查看完整版本: LUXMAN 505U XLR [相位問題]

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