kennethc2k 發表於 2010-5-18 09:31

Saving Private Ryan (UK)

有冇師兄有買過呢隻碟呀?係咪真係可以換返架?oversea喎?"freepost envelope" 用得到咩?

Dear Customer,

We are writing in relation to your order 026-1240592-4618761 which contained the Blu-ray version of Saving Private Ryan.

We have been made aware of a manufacturing issue with this title you purchased from

The symptom of the fault is a minor tracking error from Chapter 15 that knocks the picture and sounds quality out of sync by 1/5th second.

To receive a replacement free of charge, please use the following contact details to exchange your original copy:

Freephone: 08000 852 613

Once emailed or called, you will receive a freepost envelope to return the product, so you can exchange your copy for a new one.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this has created.

Warmest regards

Customer Service Department

Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

chrisclw 發表於 2010-5-18 09:56


kennethc2k 發表於 2010-5-18 10:45

如果用唔到個"freepost envelope",郵費係一個問題,如果冇問題其實都照換可也!
所以其實我又覺得係咪真係有需要換呢?個問題好似唔係好嚴重,但係如果問題比想像中嚴重既話,而我又開左封試過,咁再換就唔係幾好啦!所以好茅盾…照計個"freepost envelope"點可能會用得到先得架…唉!
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