本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2010-5-16 22:27 編輯請問旺角邊度有多O的Plamsa睇,
打算入Plamsa, 上樓鋪有無
THX Broadway at Agryle St. (used to be GOME shop) plasma而家都係得panasonic / lg
panasonic想齊款應該去太子新世紀, 6/F 人氣電器, 呢間主力賣panasonic, 佢既款應該幾齊
LG就行MK大間既百記+地庫豐X 應該夠睇哂, 因為都係得ps40/80, 同埋新o個平野
上樓鋪多數只有panasonic, 但2奶好似有600M wo{:6_222:} 友成上面都有,13/F 600M啦.....3xxxx 不如等埋Pan記新機先啦{:6_131:} 本帖最後由 Kuro 於 2010-5-17 00:10 編輯
chhanthony hing, 入Plasma緊係去AALife啦!
The Pioneer Plasma is one of the best flat panel, no doubt i'll suggest that,
but why not wait for new models of Panasonic Plasma, there might also a good choice. 暫時KURO仲可以稱王----多一陣.
Panasonic就過頭. AX life啦,我都係個度入貨. 暫時KURO仲可以稱王----多一陣.
r32 發表於 2010-5-17 00:15