kwff 發表於 2010-5-14 16:12


本帖最後由 kwff 於 2010-5-14 16:24 編輯

小弟有一對ProAc-Tab50signature speakers,想請教有經驗的ching們,有那些牌子/型號的stereo-amp可理想的與它配搭,日常聽流行曲與純音樂比例約7:3 {:1_259:}
另約$10K budget有甚麼cdp + stereo-amp可以推薦一下 {:1_332:}

x-bird 發表於 2010-5-14 23:17

用過 ONIX RA-125 + ProAc 110,{:6_193:}

kwff 發表於 2010-5-18 22:38

那請問A-65 與 RA-125除了輸出功率不同外,音質的分別會很大嗎?另想請教A-65配搭同廠Onix的cdp CD-15還是其他品牌的cdp好呢?{:1_332:}

kennethtcp 發表於 2010-5-19 13:10

那請問A-65 與 RA-125除了輸出功率不同外,音質的分別會很大嗎?另想請教A ...
kwff 發表於 2010-5-18 22:38

design basically is identical, inculing the power transistor. but Ra125 is having two transformers, therefore, the max. output power is doubled.
I am using A-65, its power is already more than enough to push my JMLab floorstand speakers
Sound quality is comparable if you speaker is not that hard to push, and your volume is not that loud.
For hard pushing speakers or if you listen very loudly, RA125 should perform better, but in my case, I prefer A65 as it is cheaper XD

kwff 發表於 2010-5-19 22:05

kennethtcp hing
Thank for your experienced advise, then do you have any recommendation of CDP fit to A-65 ?{:1_254:}

x-bird 發表於 2010-5-19 22:58

kennethtcp hing 講得好
A65 around 4k cheaper than RA125 ... {:6_190:}

kennethtcp 發表於 2010-5-20 15:49

kennethtcp hing
Thank for your experienced advise, then do you have any recommendation of CDP fit to ...
kwff 發表於 2010-5-19 22:05

夾佢既 cdp 我又無乜特別心水, 但我就用緊 pioneer sacd player, 試過用番 onix 都ok.... 夾我反而覺得要夾下喇叭多d, onix 好厚聲, 如果夾超厚聲喇叭可能好轟~

kwff 發表於 2010-5-21 00:36

many thanks for your advice {:1_259:}

stanley2468 發表於 2010-6-5 00:12

夾佢既 cdp 我又無乜特別心水, 但我就用緊 pioneer sacd player, 試過用番 onix 都ok.... 夾我反而覺得要 ...
kennethtcp 發表於 2010-5-20 15:49

ONIX A-65夠唔夠力推816V{:6_175:}

kennethtcp 發表於 2010-6-7 09:43

ONIX A-65夠唔夠力推816V
stanley2468 發表於 2010-6-5 00:12

夠有突~~ 我覺得成個 Chorus 7/8 都夠推, 再上就唔知
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