有冇ching 知道點解我download 今期av雙週介紹果個 AVSHD 709 檔案, 永遠都係99%.如何解決呀 ? 我直情用唔到, 好似部BDP 唔 SUPPORT.{:6_146:} this one?
http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=948496 回復 3# chhanthony
yes.can't complete download this file. 小弟揀第三欄第二個file–PATCHED (.7z)–
成功download到,燒埋碟,不過部電視就較唔到書寫嘅要求........ Oh. I see. Let me try. Hi C-hing,I downloaded the AVCHD & Patached file. I tried to burn ISO to DVD+RW by Nero and Express burn, but there is nothing in the DVD+RW when the process is completed. Also when I put this DVD in my Blu-ray and PS3, both 2 devices are unable to read the DVD. Can any C-hing can show me the burning step by pictures? and what is the format when it burnt in the DVD?
Many many thanks! 我都燒咗隻,不過部4010播唔到,要用PS3先成功播到,仲SET埋佢嘅要求! Hi C-hing,I downloaded the AVCHD & Patached file. I tried to burn ISO to DVD+RW by Nero and Expres ...
liwc_michael 發表於 2010-5-24 22:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ANy c-hing can help help?