bb1668 發表於 2010-5-12 11:36

If we are talking about under 2M. I do not believe it is the "length" of the HDMI cable that is causing the problem.Rather, I think it is the internal connection of the HDMI cable that is to blame.

For SAEC 1010, the cable itself is quite thick and heavy.More importantly, the cable is not that "flexible" at all.This will impose a lot of "stress" on the heads (and hence the internal connection) of the cable.

7面鳥 發表於 2010-5-12 11:37


bb1668 發表於 2010-5-12 11:44

I do not have the receipt.The dealer will typically treat this as "water" goods.I do not know if the HK dealer will entertain "water" goods.

Ep-71 發表於 2010-5-12 11:52

you may better contact to SEC japan {:6_202:}

bb1668 發表於 2010-5-12 14:38

Dear Ep-71 C-Hing,

I already did.I sent an email (in English) to SAEC Japan through its website on Monday.So far I have not received any response.Perhaps it is the language barrier, I will wait for a few days.

By the way, I am still recovering from the abyss of despair and disappointment.

hellowe 發表於 2010-5-12 16:39

If we are talking about under 2M. I do not believe it is the "length" of the HDMI cable that is caus ...
bb1668 發表於 2010-5-12 11:36

But, the seller use my 1.8M and connect to Pioneer BD09 and Yamaha Z7, it do not have any problem at all. Thus, this is the reason, he give his own 1.2M to me and try, then, amazing, no problem at all..... Finally, I exchange for 1.2m....{:6_187:}

bb1668 發表於 2010-5-12 16:51

Good news.....

I received a formal email reply from the customer service of SAEC Japan this afternoon.They requested me to ship it back to Japan for examination.SAEC even offerred to pay for the postage from Hong Kong to Japan.

However, I did not want to take advantage of the situation.I returned the cable at my own expense.Afterall, the total cost (including registered post) is under HK$50.00.What is important is that SAEC does take the feedback of customer seriously.

agnes_b 發表於 2010-5-12 17:15


Prince168 發表於 2010-5-12 18:24

good news hear from you!

bb1668 發表於 2010-5-12 18:28

回復 19# Prince168

Thanks.Hope that SAEC will find out what's wrong with the cable.The sound quality of this cable is outstanding even though it is a bit pricey.
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