tontontony 發表於 2010-5-7 23:01

D-LINK 615

我想問 DIR615 內個 "WIFI防護設定" 有冇用架呢???? 佢有個 "XX辨別碼"
如果我 DISABLE 左佢~~WIFI 上網快好多~~~因為之前ENABLE 果時~用WIFI上網開WEB PAGE 真係好慢~有時開YAHOO MAIL BOX 都要3~4 MINS~~
咁我想問~~如果我DISABLE 左佢~會唔會有危險呢? 會唔會好易比人入侵呢??
係咪SET好左 WEP 果D PASSWORD 已經有好好既保護呢????

LineageII 發表於 2010-5-7 23:10

其實 d 人有心 hack 你 , 點 protect 都冇用 ...

hkbomberman 發表於 2010-5-7 23:17

C Hing,

Please do not use WEP encrption in wireless link.It is very insecure in current standard and with current powerful hardwares.It is easy to crack within a few hours.Try to use WPA / WPA-2 instead.

If you are talking about this as below, it should be ok to disable it.(I am using DIR-655)

Wi-Fi Protected Setup

      Enable the Wi-Fi Protected Setup feature.
    Lock Wireless Security Settings
      Locking the wireless security settings prevents the settings from being changed by any new external registrar using its PIN. Devices can still be added to the wireless network using Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It is still possible to change wireless network settings with Manual Wireless Network Setup, Wireless Network Setup Wizard, or an existing external WLAN Manager Registrar.

tontontony 發表於 2010-5-7 23:44

C Hing,

Please do not use WEP encrption in wireless link.It is very insecure in current standard ...
hkbomberman 發表於 2010-5-7 23:17

其實我已經用梗 wpa2
我就係想知係咪 set 好左 wpa2 就算安全~因為 wifi 好似好易比人 hack 咁嘛~~


hkbomberman 發表於 2010-5-7 23:45

本帖最後由 hkbomberman 於 2010-5-7 23:48 編輯

WPA2 should be very alright...


smalltaste 發表於 2010-5-12 17:31


skenstudio 發表於 2010-5-18 19:42

我部D-LINK 615都係set左WPA2俾iBook/Wii
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