大家可以分享下用Miele product{:6_238:}1. hintel (miele 吸塵機: s4561 cat & dog) 報到
大家可以分享下用Miele product
1. hintel (miele 吸塵機: s4561 cat & dog)
2.Westdoor (S 5281 Alervac) with active HEPA 報到
大家可以分享下用Miele product
1. hintel (miele 吸塵機: s4561 cat & dog)
2.Westdoor (S 5281 Alervac) with active HEPA
3.Matthew (S4282 Baby Care) w/ 活性 HEPA 濾網 其實咁多個MODEL
係咪各有各FUNCTION 1. hintel (miele 吸塵機: s4561 cat & dog)
2.Westdoor (S 5281 Alervac) with active HEPA
3.Matthew (S4 ...
bigpun1975 發表於 2010-5-7 19:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
S4561 同S4562
有乜分別?? 1. hintel (miele 吸塵機: s4561 cat & dog)
2.Westdoor (S 5281 Alervac) with active HEPA
3.Matthew (S4282 Baby Care) w/ 活性 HEPA 濾網
4.bigpun1975 (S4562 cat & dog )自加 HEPA filter
5. lskthomas (s4561 cat & dog) 回復lskthomas
bigpun1975 發表於 2010-5-10 13:35 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我個部係淺藍色, 應該同線王兄個部一樣... 型號就唔太sure...
昨日第一次用, 感覺好好, 手功一流, 我之前部三叔即時變咗玩具! 各位miele用家, 除咗吸塵機外, 有冇用過佢的d蒸爐?睇過佢地leafet, 好似幾正咁, 不過個價都好拿利吓。... 各位miele用家, 除咗吸塵機外, 有冇用過佢的d蒸爐?睇過佢地leafet, 好似幾正咁, 不過個價都好拿利吓。... ...
lskthomas 發表於 2010-10-8 14:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
呢D係富貴人家用品..........我地{:6_244:} Miele is the rice king toys......{:6_192:}{:6_192:}
not for me.{:6_244:}{:6_244:}