Elac FS 247 v Dali Ikon 7 v MA GS20 or rx8
比大家毒親,想upgrade前置.....{:6_235:}小弟的設置Z7+cheap cheap鐘神1000D
以上喇叭有咩意見, Thanks all brother...!! I vote for Elac 247 or MA GS 20
for both of them, really need to have a trail before selection, and of course, depends on your taste GS20,不如一口氣上GS60啦~ GS60 overbuget la..thankS!! 我買GS20之前有去試過Elac FS 247 v Dali Ikon 7、
但係吾係有得平的話一定要Elac FS 247 因為16K左可買到!(2年前左右)
我係用Pioneer SC-LX-81 AV amp & LUXMAN 505U
以上係本人経験~。 回復 1# Dave
師兄, 我Elac未聽過, 但聽過Ikon 2同GS 10, GS 10個高音靚過Ikon, 因為唔同級.
Dali Mentor的高音同GS不相百頌, 但我覺得Dali的喇叭會比MA難推
Dali vs MA, 我會選MA GS20, 而我自己用緊GS 10{:1_351:} Thanks all c hing, 想問下MA GS20 及 Elac fs247邊喥有得試及約最平幾銀?(ikon 7及ma rx8己試, feel 到易推, 但個人覺得少少不夠厚聲)
我既cheap cheap鐘神1000D推唔推倒?
聽說Elac fs247好難推.....MA GS20 及 ikon 7又如何呢? MA GS20 is easier to get good result and Gold Tweeter is MA's brand signature !
Once heard, people will never forget and prices are quite reasonable ! 試埋B&W CM7..呢個係3路...其他都係2路半 Thanks all c hing, 想問下MA GS20 及 Elac fs247邊喥有得試及約最平幾銀?(ikon 7及ma rx8己試, feel 到易 ...
Dave 發表於 2010-5-8 01:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif