我用緊隻17"lcd mon有d想轉22"或24" wide screen mon....睇戲同睇/執相用, 亦有可能第時駁ps3.1. 想將現有17"放房, 可唔可以加個外置tv box就得呢?
2. 24"覺得太大, 但係22"又無得點對點, 點取啥呢?
3. 當然有hdmi就最好啦!
4. 各位有無推介呢?
唔該哂! 1. 想將現有17"放房, 可唔可以加個外置tv box就得呢?
2. 24"覺得太大, 但係22"又無得點對點, 點取啥呢?
好老實.......當MON 用o既距離就22吋好d.......24真係大
3. 當然有hdmi就最好啦!
有hdmi 咪貴返囉
4. 各位有無推介呢?
你諗左22定24先 1. 想將現有17"放房, 可唔可以加個外置tv box就得呢?
我上次都買左個佳的美, 冇nicam既, 平平地2百蚊攪掂, 個 tuner仲收得都幾好添!!:lol
2. 24"覺得太大, 但係22"又無得點對點, 點取啥呢?
我依家就用緊 22"既 wide mon, 之前用 20"都覺得 ok, 22"原來仲fit, 睇下你點用, 如果真係用來做電腦野既, 什小用來睇戲既, 就唔洗太介懷係唔係點對點, 24"我自己就覺太近, 會傷眼勒, 始終坐係電腦前面眼同 mon既位都唔夠2尺, 不過如果你會睇埋戲既, 就梗係 24"啦, 點對點先係王道麻!!Smilies018
3. 當然有hdmi就最好啦!
如果你會有可能或機會接駁其他 player既, hdmi就最好有埋勒!!!
4. 各位有無推介呢?
平平地就DELL, 靚款就 SAMSUNG, PHILIP人地話都唔錯.....其他既我就好小諗!!! thks to 赤富 & 小瑟...
1. only tv box and no need to connect computer... is it right ?
2. initially want 22"... actually, I see HP 22" demo at fortress seems picture quality is really good. But expensive.
3. I think it really need HDMI.
4. If 22", samsung and philip are my 1st choice... thinking HP. 1. only tv box and no need to connect computer... is it right ?
冇錯, 我果個 TV BOX仲內置埋喇叭, 我依家都係將個 MON+TV BOX係房睇電視!!
22"有 HDMI既其實多唔多 MODEL有呢??? 其實你要得HDMI, 即係要駁其他野睇戲啦, 咁1920x1080點對點你又唔會需要既?? 1. only tv box and no need to connect computer... is it right ?
對............tvbox 唔需要pc............tv tunner card 先需要
2. initially want 22"... actually, I see HP 22" demo at fortress seems picture quality is really good. But expensive.
一分錢一分貨啦.........Smilies011 Smilies011 Smilies011
回復 #5 小瑟 的帖子
don't know if have big different between 22" (no pixel to pixel) and 24" (pixel to pixel) since size of mon is not that big like TV... If not big different, i will go 222"want HDMI since most of new things got this output like camara, video, game player etc.... got this and i will not have any headache afterward (maybe)... :lol 哦..........咁又係, 依家好多野都係 HDMI, 影完D DV HDMI OUTPUT去 MON又真係幾方便呢!!!Smilies018 Smilies018 Smilies018
買 22"定 24"真係好難講, 要你自己睇下1對1 咁FEEL下先知道!!!Smilies010 當你用緊24" 就唔會22"
而家24" 有HDMI和1080P 就係BENQ G2400W
DELL就平 無HDMI 但可由DISPLAY CARD HDMI TO DVI 原帖由 ming 於 2007-12-21 11:55 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
當你用緊24" 就唔會22"
而家24" 有HDMI和1080P 就係BENQ G2400W
The bad thing that my display card doesn't have HDMI output....