Amazon UK 嘅 Fast & Furious 1-4 Box Set Under Review
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We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. In the meantime, you may still find this product available from other sellers on this page.
{:6_198:} 我4 月 10日訂..... 今日岩岩收到....
岩岩訂果陣....佢俾左個email 我... 話冰島事件 ! 拖左1~2日 !
咁都算啦 !一直等到 4月28日....再出email 問佢....
佢叫我等到 5月20日...如果仲收唔到....佢會再寄出俾我...
好彩今日收到...一陣試完話你知.... 我月尾收到 ... 睇咗頭三集都唔覺有乜問題{:6_141:} 我月尾收到 ... 睇咗頭三集都唔覺有乜問題
minimoai 發表於 2010-5-6 23:25
I am really disappointed of the quality of the boxset!
Unfortunately the fourth disc of the first order as well as of the replaced order contained an imbalance.
Playing the disc was only possible under massive noise emission and was not acceptable.
I was in worry of the drive of my PS3!
Seems to be a problem of the whole charge! 咁恐怖?!{:6_200:} 我訂左未收到{:6_192:} That's strange!
Let's check the Disc 4! 回復 7# bigpun1975
碟4 今日幫朋友加單, 呢隻已加左價. 我果隻都有事, 放入機LOAD時個DRIVE好嘈, 但到PLAY正片時又靜番....
我果套2月3日到, 都隔左3個月啦...寫唔寫封信去好?? 今日幫朋友加單, 呢隻已加左價.
mtvbb 發表於 2010-5-7 01:22
依家amazon唔賣住, 要搞清楚先繼續賣
如果幫其他merchant買, 個運費又甘, 碟又貴, 仲要唔知會唔會有事...