劉一舟 發表於 2010-5-6 13:39

《猛鬼勾魂》Videodrome : Blu-ray (CC版)

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2010-9-16 11:39 編輯

《變形人魔》導演David Cronenberg 1983年作品,呢套又係必入之作,戲中機械和肉身之間的複雜關係影響了後來的類似科幻片種;幾年前已經入過CC版DVD,但搬屋時唔見咗,而家淨係抯住一隻中字港版DVD,呢隻CC版BD又要列入入貨清單,12月7日上架!!!

-Two audio commentaries: [*]David Cronenberg and director of photography Mark Irwin [*]Actors James Woods and Deborah Harry
-Camera (2000): a short film starring Videodrome's Les Carlson, written and directed by Cronenberg
-Forging the New Flesh: a new half-hour documentary featurette by filmmaker Michael Lennick about the creation of Videodrome's video and prosthetic makeup effects
-Effects Men: a new audio interview with special makeup effects creator Baker and video effects supervisor Lennick
-Bootleg Video: the complete footage of Samurai Dreams and seven minutes of transmissions from Videodrome, presented in their original, unedited form with filmmaker commentary
-Fear on Film: a 26-minute roundtable discussion from 1982 between filmmakers Cronenberg, John Carpenter, John Landis, and Mick Garris
-Original theatrical trailers and promotional featurette
-Stills galleries featuring hundreds of rare behind-the-scenes production photos, special effects makeup tests, and publicity photos
-A booklet featuring essays by writers Carrie Rickey, Tim Lucas, and Gary Indiana

麥克斯 (占士活斯 飾) 經營著一個有線電視頻道,為了改善慘淡的狀況,他盜版了一個超級恐怖的節目《Videodrome》。在該節目試驗中,他發覺猶如進入陰謀的幻覺中,並感受著受虐的性與身體的轉變。這個節目背後的真相是怎樣的呢?

Fabregas 發表於 2010-5-6 14:26

"幾年前已經入過CC版DVD,但搬屋時唔見咗" - unlucky!
I only have a normal US DVD!

lamborghini436 發表於 2010-9-16 12:20

ccd 版即系咩?

Phoenix 發表於 2010-9-16 12:34

應該無中文字幕, 不過會買來收藏{:1_351:}

劉一舟 發表於 2010-9-16 12:48

ccd 版即系咩?
lamborghini436 發表於 2010-9-16 12:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

CC = Criterion Collection = 一個品牌的名字
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