BJC 問題
上UK訂BCJ HDMI,唔知點解比左2次錢訂左2SET仲要E家成1星期都未到,有冇辦法可以CHECK下係乜問題?
VISA都見到過左2次數.CHING們,幫幫忙 you can check at the mail company...if you have a post number. There are delays in shipment from UK because of volcanic eruptions in Iceland.
You can ask BJC for the Fedex tracking no. to know the shipping status. OK THX 我試試先 唔好意思,搵唔到邊到SEND EMAIL比佢 Send the transaction id in your enquiry to: thx~自己大頭蝦,佢SEND左EMAIL黎我冇睇
原來DOUBLE左ORDER,佢HOLD起左 想問宜家去US 定 UK度買會平D??
要買幾多$$先唔駛運費 ??