發表於 2010-5-3 22:13
So, with blind test, can ppl know if it is 25G or 50G, in terms of video or sound quality?
bbbaba 發表於 2010-5-3 20:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Using "老翻" is about legal or illegal, about moral or immoral, not about picture/sound quality.
老翻 use 25G solely because of cost issue. I think there's no need to waste time to do a blind test. Everyone could tell you that a jpg of the same photo, same resolution, same color space, the small the file size, the worse is the quality.
發表於 2010-5-4 07:36
LPCM 應該係 player 解碼後先落 amp, 如果 player 唔夠靚既話, 係唔係 bitstream True HD / DTS-HDMA 會 ...
roica 發表於 2010-5-3 15:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
All surround formats including DD True HD/ DTS-HDMA need to decode to LPCM at some point in your equirpments before going to DAC.If the LPCM and the surround formats both are 24/192, I would prefer LPCM because there is no extra decoding stage.
發表於 2010-5-4 09:54
Using "老翻" is about legal or illegal, about moral or immoral, not about picture/sound quality.
kenneth_obee 發表於 2010-5-3 22:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Hey Mr moral, dont twist the discussion into your own interest. Yelling like a nut is not helping at all. I am really trying to figure out the picture/sound quality. If you are trying to say all "老正" are 50G, and this is the way to distinguish "老翻" from "老正", say it !!!!
Where did you see we are discussing "老翻" here? 醒少少啦!
發表於 2010-5-4 11:13
其實無得咁比較 !
如果套戲得 2X GB...咁一定用 BD25!
大戲又多音軌就3X~4XG ! 就實用BD50 !
照計....大家音軌都係 5~7G 咁上下....應該無話放邊種碟會好D.... !
暫時我唔見有戲....有分BD25 同 BD50 .... !
PS:樓上果位師兄話老翻果D.... 唔洗比啦....DVD 9 ...同BD25 ....如果將 40GB 壓到咁細.... 實同BD50 有大分別啦 .... {:6_182:}
發表於 2010-5-4 11:49
Hey Mr moral, dont twist the discussion into your own interest. Yelling like a nut is not helping...
bbbaba 發表於 2010-5-4 09:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔好意思, 我唔係想離題, 多多得罪.{:6_162:}
發表於 2010-5-4 13:21
我都唔好意思, 只係怕討論方向轉左無人指教小弟, 急躁佐, 包涵包涵!
其實有d br 包裝(正版!!) d 字細到真係搵唔到 幾多G, 好想知道幾多G 係唔係有啟示, 聽說 阿凡達 係50G, 所以好清, 又係唔係真呢
發表於 2010-5-4 13:24
我意思係 50G 碟, 即可能 4X G file
發表於 2010-5-4 13:48
聽說 阿凡達 係50G, 所以好清, 又係唔係真呢
bbbaba 發表於 2010-5-4 13:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實你隨手搵隻西片 BD 都係 BD50. 一樣有聲畫皆爛既戲. source 唔靚咩都假.
反之, BD25 有冇靚戲呢? 都有
學樓上師兄話頭, 一條 sound track 7G 倒唧... 好多戲都係因為多 track 先要 > 25G
發表於 2010-5-4 14:40
如果無記錯 .... 日版 功夫 ....都好似係BD25 !
聲畫一樣掂 !
發表於 2010-5-4 14:46
Yes, the Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince US ver. is the one.It is a DB50, but if you only leave the English DD True-HD sound track, the movie is <25G.
I think the bit rate matters more than the size of the disc although they are so what related.