danny_mo 發表於 2010-4-29 18:13

Media Player: DviCo TViX N1100(N1), M6600A/N (14 Apr 2010)

不再是 Beta 版本

TVIX N1100固件下載:http://demod.dvico.com/down/tvix_N1_1.9.9.zip
 版本號:Rev 1.9.9

M6600固件下載: http://demod.dvico.com/down/tvix_6600_1.9.9.zip
 版本號:Rev 1.9.9

1. Supports the Web-Remote™
- You can use iPhone, iPod-touch or notebook PC as a remote controller
- Android phone or other smart phone also works, but the resolution may not be matched. This will be fixed soon.
- M6600 should be connected to network thru Ethernet or Wi-Fi to use Web-Remote™
- Supports superb and intuitive “Cover-Art” user interface in the Web-Remote™ as well.
- Just bring up the Internet Browser (like Chrome/ Safari/ IE) in you gadget and type the IP address of N1 (N1’s IP address can be found by pressing <INFO> key on the remote)
- Web-Remote browsing is enabled only for internal HDD only, not network drive nor USB at this moment.
- Please refer to the manual for Web-Remote usage

2. Changes main user interface
- Will not show “HDTV” nor “RECORD LIST” menu, unless you have attached tuner.

3. Fix the USB performance issue on high-bitrate (more than 30mbps) stream files.
- Supports up to 38Mbps MKV files

4. Supports Internet Radio (.pls extension files)
- Supports .PLS file which contains shout-cast addresses. Just click and start to playback.

5. Supports selection of background music during photo slide show
- Press <GOTO> button on the remote when slide show to select the background music.

6. Supports auto MP3 background music playback when photo slide show
- Will playback music files when music files reside the same folder of photos.
- If no music files are found, will playback the music files resides in /AUTOMP3 folder.

7. Adds Turkish language for menu and subtitle

8. Changes photo handling keys
- <Left> and <Right> keys are for prev/next file selection.
- <Up> and <Down> keys are for rotation.

1. Adds IceTV EPG for Australia
- You can use IceTV configuration window if you select “Australia” as a DTV country
- Supports “IceTV Interactive” functions ? Remote scheduling and many other features
- Adds IceTV EPG for Australia

2. Fix the special character problem when recording.
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: Media Player: DviCo TViX N1100(N1), M6600A/N (14 Apr 2010)

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