我諗住入部Mitsubishi HC3800有D問題想問下各CHING
依我所知HC3800 冇 len shift
咁HC3800 個投影角度係點?
唔該解答{:1_352:} 上圖(好似係) 回復 2# norip999
唔該曬CHING先,我想有確實DO既答案{:1_258:} 本帖最後由 fun100 於 2010-4-28 12:12 編輯
BTW, have you asked the price yet? upper one is used for ceiling mount, the light from the projector will a bit downwards to the screen(not equal as in pic 2)
btw, lens shift is for fine tuning adjustment, if the installation is totally wrong, nothing can help.
if u need more info. u may contact me~ 回復 4# fun100
未呀!搵緊資料!睇下屋企裝唔裝到! 回復 5# avmilk
唔該曬!有乜唔明我再問!THANKS{:1_258:} 本帖最後由 fun100 於 2010-4-30 21:11 編輯
No idea about its price, but you may want to know about the availability
of HC3900, which means the price of HC3800 may (or may not) drop...
http://global.mitsubishielectric.com/bu/projectors/downloads/pdf/hc3900/hc3900_brochures.pdf No idea about its price, but you may want to know about the availability
of HC3900, which means the...
fun100 發表於 2010-4-30 20:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
C-Hing, what is the different between HC3800 and HC3900? It seem the price of HS3900 is double to HS3800!! {:6_186:} 一定是上圖, 我都用Mitsubishi HC3800