【問題】pionner bdp05-fd ver1.65
點解我down 左pionner bdp05-fd ver1.65 之後讀ng到既, 只係顯示date file ,有無人教下我ar It is because you didn't copy all 3 files to the disc. You need all 3 files to perform the update. 係邊到找 the zip file contains 3 files inside, have u done updating before?? pls read the instruction carefully before doing the update .... 你地down落隻碟度裝更新?{:6_240:}點解唔駁條LAN線落ROUTER直接攪掂?{:6_141:} 本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2010-4-29 12:17 編輯
點解我down 左pionner bdp05-fd ver1.65 之後讀ng到既, 只係顯示date file ,有無人教下我ar ...
huen0442 發表於 2010-4-28 00:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
1. firmware 一定要burn在CDR/CDRW內
2. 要用nero等software將firmware burn在CDR/CDRW內
3. 要finalize隻CDR/CDRW
4. 香港行貨在香港Pioneer web取firmware, 北美120v 要去Pioneer USA download firmware就最好勒
5. 都唔掂就去MK揾光頭仔攞firmware
wilfred 發表於 2010-4-28 01:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
05 doesn't come with ethernet port 本帖最後由 haha161 於 2010-4-28 03:55 編輯
huen0442 pls chk yr pm 路過多事:版主可否開條thread or其他途徑,讓一些有firmware cdr 嘅師兄up完後,俾其他師兄用.又環保又可發揮互助.