perrybeckham 發表於 2010-4-27 22:32

Denon's 2010 receivers, Blu-ray players are Control4, streaming & 3D ready

Right on time, Denon's dropped the details on its hardware for 2010 on us. Taking top honors are two Blu-ray players: the DBP-2011UDCI ($799, August, not pictured) and the DBP-1611UD ($399, June, pictured above) that are touted as "true universal players"; with DVD-Audio and SACD playback out of the box and Blu-ray 3D on the way in a fall firmware update the company's confident they'll play most any 5-inch optical media you may be able to get your hands on. If you're past discs don't worry, Netflix, DLNA and YouTube streaming is also part of the deal.

Those should pair well with any of the slew of receivers due up including the AVR-991 (SRP: $999, July), AVR-891 (SRP: $799, May), AVR-791 (SRP: $499, May), AVR-591 (SRP: $349, May) and the AVR-391 (SRP: $249, July); or the custom install-focused AVR-4311CI (SRP: $1,999, Sept.), AVR-3311CI (SRP: $1,199, June), and AVR-2311CI (SRP: $899, June). All of the above bring HDMI 1.4a repeaters for 3D compatibility, onscreen displays through HDMI, and some include web browsers plus music streaming from Pandora or connected PCs. Check the press releases after the break for all the details including a few new headphone models, though we recommend taking it in just a bit at a time -- the threat of overdosing on this much info is high.

minimoai 發表於 2010-4-27 23:28

DBP-1611UD 幾靚仔呀{:6_139:}

唔知香港幾時會有 ... 399 us dollars 都OK

kefana 發表於 2010-4-27 23:53

AVR-3311CI 即係代替左 2809/3310??

定冇左 2809系 ??

SRP: $1,199 平左woh,

但remote 簡化左.....
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