{:1_247:} 好靚好有氣勢. 好靚 {:6_193:}
哩兩日又開始落雨。。。 好靚呀! 回復 1# ronaldlaw
好靚...最鍾意呢 d 雲 ~~
好多年冇去布袋澳嚕~~師兄有冇食海鮮呀~~嗰道 d 水準保唔保持到呢?! 回復ronaldlaw
好靚...最鍾意呢 d 雲 ~~
好多年冇去布袋澳嚕~~師兄有冇食海鮮呀~~嗰道 d 水準保唔保持 ...
pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-27 14:11 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Yes.... I did....
taste good and a bit cheaper than 西貢...
the most delicious food are not the expensive one.... it's 雞腳 and 蜆湯... 回復 17# ronaldlaw
好好味喎 ~~
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