djaddy 發表於 2010-4-25 00:37

中了劇毒: 5條單晶銅RCA信號線

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2010-4-25 05:09 編輯

Sorry for not writing in Chinese. I can only copy & paste chinese...

AV upgrade:

I just changed 5條單晶銅RCA信號線for my AV system. I have been using some OEM 單晶銅RCA信號線 for the 2-ch for a few months now. I have been very happy with them so far. The strength of this RCA is its 分析力和聲場, also the human voices were quite emotional. Since 公司同事要左我 d Gotham RCA (av-pre to power amp). 利用這個機會全面向單晶銅出發!

I posted earlier that I received RCA cables from HK:

Marantz AV8003 > 單晶銅信號線> Audiolab 8000A Mk2
                        > 單晶銅信號線> Spark 1205.1a

The Experience:
For the first few days, I noticed 分析力和聲場改善左, but有d生硬. I also noticed the system sounded very odd. I did not know what it was. So I just let the cables "boil" by itself.

After ~ 100 hours, I still found the system sounded odd so, I finally re-calibrated my system. Much better! Now, I began testing. I used a few different BDs to test my system. Hins Unplugged, New Year Concert 2009, MJ - This is It, Madonna Sticky & Sweet Live & Transformers 2.

張敬軒 UNPLUGGED 第 1 樂章音樂會 LIVE:
Hins' voice sounded a lot more emotional then before. Sound stage was a lot wider. When Hins was speaking, I immediately noticed his voice was also coming from the rear as well as the front, which I never noticed b4. The clapping sounds a lot more accurate, which adds really adds the extra touch of liveliness of being inside a concert hall. To my surprise, I found the hair on the back of my neck rising when 孟楠 sang "In Control". I never heard her sing before this BD. I found her singing touched me. Very "soul". (If anyone knows where I can get her cd from, pls tell me.) As much I enjoyed the new experience of listening to 張敬軒's Unplugged, it is still a locally produced BD, which is still poorer in quality compared with overseas production.

New Year Concert 2009, MJ - This is It, Madonna Sticky & Sweet Live:
I played from all the above BDs. For Madonna's Live The video quality wasn't so good but the audio quality totally blow my mind. I never felt such energy from my system before.The rear channels provided lots of details I didn't expect. I can't wait til I get my new rear speakers and hear what that it like.

Transformers 2:
Due to the greatly improve sound stage, the action movies experience improved a lot. 包圍感 great improve. There was a separation from front channels to the rear b4, now it is no more.

I really thought I knew my system well. But I was wrong. Now, my whole system sound like an entirely different due to five RCA cables. I am really 中了劇毒! I am hoping to hear the difference after 200 hours + or "boiling".

The boss is yelling for me to head to bed. More later.

I am only sharing my experience & the importance of using the right RCA cables for the AV system. Please dun ask me the details of the OEM RCA cables.

fuman0123 發表於 2010-4-25 01:16

回復 2# kleehkg


ben13 發表於 2010-4-25 02:27


djaddy 發表於 2010-4-25 05:10

d 相好蒙 wor.......
kleehkg 發表於 2010-4-25 01:07

Uploaded other pics. Should be slightly better.

chyhm 發表於 2010-4-25 10:19


djaddy 發表於 2010-4-25 10:19

Does any ching know where to buy 孟楠's CD from? I am totally poisoned by 孟楠's "In Control"


djaddy 發表於 2010-4-25 10:23

chyhm 發表於 2010-4-25 10:19

Wah... u noticed my VDH oil tim... no more in HK mkt wor... U need to buy Deoxit instead.

chyhm 發表於 2010-4-25 10:53

Wah... u noticed my VDH oil tim... no more in HK mkt wor... U need to buy Deoxit instead.
djaddy 發表於 2010-4-25 10:23


323 發表於 2010-4-25 11:02

chyhm 發表於 2010-4-25 10:19


Me too

KING 發表於 2010-4-25 11:03

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查看完整版本: 中了劇毒: 5條單晶銅RCA信號線

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