ram 發表於 2010-4-24 10:33


Product Information

The Supra MD06-BS/SP is a premium grade, shielded mains distribution block, made from extruded aluminum which is designed to be used with Supra LoRad shielded mains cables, for optimum suppression of mains borne and RF interference. This shielded mains block has two advantages: Firstly, the mains block does not radiate any electric fields around it and secondly, any external RF interference does not affect the mains power going through the block. Similarly, the built-in two stage filtering, including NIF and SPD, ensure clean mains power is supplied to your hi-fi or audio/visual equipment.

Featuring 6 shuttered 13 Amp UK sockets and a three stage Surge Protection Device, the MD06-BS/SP will become highly prized not just for keeping you mains wiring tidy, but also as it will help to minimise any interference from getting into your prized Hi-Fi or Home Cinema system.

Available with either UK or EU sockets. Does not include mains cable, however the Supra LoRad Mains cable can be added at a discounted price.

Supra MD06-BS/SP Mains Distribution Block Features:

1x IEC socket inlet
6x UK 13 Amp socket outlets
Non-Intrusive Filtering (NIF)
Multi-level 3 way Surge Protection (SP)
Power and Surge indicator LEDs
Aluminium chassis for maximum RF suppression
Mounting holes to allow chassis to be attached securely to surfaces
Dimensions: 470mm (L) x 97 mm (W) x 55 mm (H)
想請教有沒有ching用過呢款拖板? 抵唔抵用呢? 連運費大概$1,500(沒有power cord)

bearbear1314 發表於 2010-9-16 18:20

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