Amazon UK Delivery update: Volcanic eruption in Iceland
UK domestic deliveries and deliveries to the Republic of Ireland are unaffected by the volcanic eruption in Iceland. Most other international deliveries are taking longer than usual. We are unable to estimate the length of the delay at this stage, but will update this notice as we get additional information.So keep waiting...... 都唔知落唔落單好
{:6_148:} 我近日amaxxx uk落單,佢話dispatched....用德國DHL喎 我近日amaxxx uk落單,佢話dispatched....用德國DHL喎
ccyong 發表於 2010-4-21 23:53
Deutsche Post DHL is much slower than Royal Mail!
My package is now still in Germany! 唔係化!次次系英國amazon訂親野都有阻濟,上次就郵政罷工,今次就火山暴發。真係激死! 遲啲先落order啦,費事個心成日掛住,而且經此一伇,一定會有好多dead lock,有排佢做! 新聞話香港運去去歐州既貨物堆到要1000架747先清得晒 我都等緊, 但amazon冇再send email話會delay, 而家都係話預計23號會收到
唔知有冇得check件貨去到邊架呢? 我都等緊, 但amazon冇再send email話會delay, 而家都係話預計23號會收到
唔知有冇得check件貨去到邊架呢? ...
timka 發表於 2010-4-22 08:21
Yes, in some cases!
In Your Account > You Orders > you may find the "Track Package" option with the tracking ID! 我都係剛剛星期日落左 order, 佢話 29Apr 前會送到... 家下咁的情況多數要 delay