NOVOICE 發表於 2025-3-17 19:21

FYI: Firmware update V1020.7 很可能會令 Samsung Soundbars 完全失靈!

本帖最後由 NOVOICE 於 2025-3-17 19:35 編輯

為求安全穩妥,下列的最新報導強烈建議消費者【儘快關閉三星 Soundbar 的自動更新】-
17-3-2025 Samsung Soundbar Owners Left Frustrated as Firmware Update Bricks Devices

Samsung is facing growing backlash from consumers after a recent firmware update left many of its high-end soundbars completely unusable.

Affected models include the flagship HW-Q990D, along with the HW-Q930D, HW-Q800D, S801D, and Q700D, among others.

The problematic firmware update, version 1020.7, was released last week and has rendered numerous devices inoperable. Reports have flooded Samsung's official Community forum and Reddit's r/Soundbars, with users describing how their soundbars now freeze on the TV eARC input, fail to produce sound, and no longer respond to remote commands or manual controls.

Consumers who contacted Samsung's support team claim they have received little assistance, with some being told to send their devices in for repairs, while others are left waiting indefinitely for a fix. Many customers are demanding Samsung replace their devices, arguing that the fault stems from the company's own firmware error.

Adding to the frustration, users have reported that even attempts to factory reset the soundbars have failed. Some owners have tried manually flashing the firmware via USB, with mixed results.

Despite the escalating complaints, Samsung has yet to issue a public statement acknowledging the widespread issue. However, reports suggest that in some regions, including Thailand, Samsung technicians have been dispatched to repair units by replacing the printed circuit board (PCB) – a solution that raises concerns over potential out-of-warranty repair costs.

【Some users have begun disabling automatic updates on their devices to prevent the faulty firmware from installing. This can be done through the SmartThings app by navigating to the settings menu and turning off auto-update for devices and services.】

Other tips include disconnecting the soundbar from Wi-Fi to prevent the update from being pushed to your device, and contacting Samsung support immediately if your soundbar is already affected.

This latest firmware blunder is not an isolated case. In recent years, Samsung has faced criticism for botched software updates affecting smartphones, Blu-ray players, and even home appliances. The company's reputation for reliability is now under scrutiny, particularly among its loyal home theatre customers.

Samsung HW-Q990D unresponsive after V1020.7 firmware update

蒸魚@G 發表於 2025-3-20 22:25

本帖最後由 蒸魚@G 於 2025-3-20 22:27 編輯

Q990D 3月14晚已瓜柴.冇設定wifi唔明佢點自動update.用4個月就收皮

LeoChin@FB 發表於 2025-3-21 23:55

蒸魚@G 發表於 2025-3-20 22:25
Q990D 3月14晚已瓜柴.冇設定wifi唔明佢點自動update.用4個月就收皮

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查看完整版本: FYI: Firmware update V1020.7 很可能會令 Samsung Soundbars 完全失靈!

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