NOVOICE 發表於 2024-12-12 15:50

電視機頂盒 Apple TV 4K 系統升級更新: tvOS 18.2

本帖最後由 NOVOICE 於 2024-12-12 16:28 編輯
What's new in tvOS 18.2 (Published Date: 11 December 2024)

This update introduces Snoopy as a new screen saver, brings ultra-widescreen support for playing movies and shows, adds HomePod support for recent Enhance Dialogue improvements, and includes performance and stability improvements.

Snoopy and Woodstock take over the screen with delightful animations that adapt to the day, weather, and holidays. Available on Apple TV 4K (2021: 2nd generation and later, NOT available for Apple TV 4HD or Apple TV 4K 2017: 1st generation).

HomePod (2nd generation) support for hearing speech more clearly using real-time audio processing and machine learning. Available on Apple TV 4K (2021: 2nd generation and later, NOT available for Apple TV 4HD or Apple TV 4K 2017: 1st generation).

Support for 21:9 and other cinematic aspect ratios enhances the home theater experience when watching movies and shows. Ultra-widescreen viewing for FaceTime calls. Available on Apple TV 4K (2022: 3rd generation ONLY) with compatible content in supported apps.

12-12-2024【Half Man Half Tech】Apple tvOS 18.2 is Epic. Hands On First Look at 11+ New Features & Changes - New SNOOPY screen saver !!!

NOVOICE 發表於 2025-1-19 14:32

本帖最後由 NOVOICE 於 2025-1-19 14:34 編輯
16-1-2025 FYI: Apple Releases tvOS 18.2.1 With Data Syncing Fix

tvOS 18.2.1 is now available for all Apple TV HD and Apple TV 4K models. It can be installed on the Apple TV by opening the Settings app and selecting System → Software Updates.

tvOS 18.2.1 is a minor update with a data syncing bug fix.According to Apple's release notes, the tvOS 18.2.1 update "addresses an issue where data may not sync correctly across devices." The update has a build number of 22K160.
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