sai7407 發表於 2024-11-21 16:23

Zidoo 連接問題

請教各位師兄,我最近買入uhd8000 ,但我不知道怎樣將電腦file(電影) 經WiFi 傳入uhd8000 HD 到 謝謝各位

pkfleung 發表於 2024-11-22 12:36

To connect your *Zidoo* to a computer on the same network, you can follow these steps:

1. *Connect to the Same Network*: Ensure both the Zidoo and your computer are connected to the same local network (via Wi-Fi or Ethernet).

2. *Enable SMB Server on Zidoo*: Go to the network settings on your Zidoo and enable the SMB server⁽¹⁾. This will allow your computer to access the files on the Zidoo⁽¹⁾.

3. *Access the Zidoo from Your Computer*:
   - On your computer, open File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).
   - Click on "This PC" or "Computer" in the left sidebar.
   - Click on "Add a network location" or "Map network drive."
   - Enter the IP address of your Zidoo (you can find this in the network settings on the Zidoo).
   - Follow the prompts to complete the connection.

4. *Browse and Transfer Files*: Once connected, you should be able to browse the files on your Zidoo Z9X 8K and transfer files between your computer and the media player.

sai7407 發表於 2024-11-22 14:18

pkfleung 發表於 2024-11-22 12:36
To connect your *Zidoo* to a computer on the same network, you can follow these steps:

1. *Connect...

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