day2013 發表於 2024-10-22 20:21

《The Performance》Jeremy Piven, Maimie McCoy

導演 : Shira Piven

主演 : Jeremy Piven, Maimie McCoy, Robert Carlyle, Steven Berkoff, Adam Garcia, Lara Wolf, Suzanne Shepherd, Jared Grimes, Daniel Finkelman, Isaac Gryn,Malky Goldman, Alba Ramadani, Annette Lober, Lukás Frlajs

美國上映日期: 2024年01月07日 (PSIFF)
香港上映日期: 2024年11月14日 (HKJFF2024)

    Based on a short story by Arthur Miller set in 1937 fascist Germany, Jeremy Priven stars as Harold May, an assimilated American Jew and gifted tap dancer. Though he is nearly past his prime, he still longs for the success and status that have eluded him. While on tour in Europe, Harold and his troup are scouted by a German attaché who offers them a huge sum to perform in Berlin. As the troup's lives become intertwined, Harold is faced with a choice: either keep his Jewishness a secret for the sake of his dreams or, ironically, own up to who he really is in order to escape. Interspersed with old footage from Nazi Germany, and sensational dance scenes, the film explores issues around success and identity that are so timely today.
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