GingerAle 發表於 2010-4-19 00:49

Marantz vs Denon Amp

Post 76 Chings,
This is my first post.And I'm just a beginner in this AV world.

At the beginning I just wanted to buy a $5000 to $6000 5.1 package system.
But reading more posts at here make me want to buy my own mix system: bookshelf + amp + 藍光機 + sub-woofer (later)
My budget is ~$10,000 in total.

Tonight I just ordered a Denon AVR 1910 + a pair of Diamond 10.2 w/ very generic speaker stand which all will be delivered tomorrow night $7xxx in total.

But after reading more posts at here, it seems Marantz SR 5004 fit me more...
My general usage will be 70% music, 20% movie, 10% game

So any suggestions?What are the major differences between AVR 1910 and SR 5004?
I tried Onkyo 507 before, but just not my cup of tea...

Thanks in advance...all Chings

avmilk 發表於 2010-4-19 10:03

SR5004 is more musical than AVR1910, btw, u may also compare with the SR6004

happy listening!

babuwa 發表於 2010-4-23 17:19

No need to think, go 6004 will be much better.

eggcake92 發表於 2010-4-23 17:28

遲 d 買部 Int-Amp for 2 channel music la..
70% music AV-Amp 不能滿足你.......{:6_138:}

DENON AV-AMP for moive is better{:6_142:}

kennethtcp 發表於 2010-4-23 17:36

denon av amp is designed for av not for musical programs....

avlam 發表於 2010-4-23 18:36

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