day2013 發表於 2024-10-18 15:34

《Justicia Artificial》人造正義

導演 : Simón Casal

主演 : Verónica Echegui, Alberto Ammann, Tamar Novas, Alba Galocha, Lúcia Moniz, Paula Morado, Ledicia Sola, Xabier Deive

西班牙上映日期: 2024年09月13日

    The Spanish government announces a referendum to approve an Artificial Intelligence system in the Administration of Justice that promises to automate and depoliticize justice, effectively replacing judges in all the country's courts. The referendum unleashes a fierce electoral campaign in which the Government, in alliance with the technology company that created the system, and the judicial profession, which defends the human nature of justice, face off. Carmen Costa, a renowned judge, is invited to work on the development of the project, but the sudden disappearance of Alicia Kóvack, the creator of the system, causes great distrust in her, to the point of understanding that she is discovering the tip of the iceberg of a conspiracy that aims to control, from justice, an entire country.

day2013 發表於 2024-10-18 15:35
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