day2013 發表於 2024-9-21 06:46

《The Curse of The Necklace》Sarah Lind, Violet McGraw

導演 : Juan Pablo Arias Munoz

主演 : Sarah Lind, Violet McGraw, Madeleine McGraw, Henry Thomas, Roma Maffia, Felix Solis, Christina Moore, Jacob Moran, Lauren Swickard, Ali Afshar, Connor Hammond

美國上映日期: 2024年09月27日

    The Davis family is going through some tough times in 1960: LAURA (Sarah Lind) and FRANK (Henry Thomas) have separated because after years of Frank's unpredictable alcohol infused temper, Laura has taken action and thrown him out of the house. She has gone back to work as a nurse which her 11-year-old ELLEN (Violet McGraw) and 16-year-old JUDY (Madeleine McGraw), don't like any more than their dad does. To try to get Laura back, Frank gives her a beautiful antique necklace he finds in an old 1938 evidence bag at the station, and though Laura doesn't want to be "bought," Frank leaves the necklace at the house where Laura and the girls live. Unfortunately, the necklace is a conduit for the tormented soul of an evil boy from long ago, and Laura and her daughters find themselves in terrible danger from a little boy who no longer exists.

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