day2013 發表於 2024-8-26 20:59

《Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story》紀錄片

本帖最後由 day2013 於 2024-9-25 11:03 編輯

導演 : Ian Bonhôte, Peter Ettedgui

主演 : Christopher Reeve, Robbie Williams

美國上映日期: 2024年09月21日
台灣上映日期: 2024年11月01日

    The story of Christopher Reeve is an astonishing rise from unknown actor to iconic movie star, and his definitive portrayal of Clark Kent/Superman set the benchmark for the superhero cinematic universes that dominate cinema today. Reeve portrayed the Man of Steel in four Superman films and played dozens of other roles that displayed his talent and range as an actor, before being injured in a near-fatal horse-riding accident in 1995 that left him paralyzed from the neck down. After becoming a quadriplegic, he became a charismatic leader and activist in the quest to find a cure for spinal cord injuries, as well as a passionate advocate for disability rights and care - all while continuing his career in cinema in front of and behind the camera and dedicating himself to his beloved family.

day2013 發表於 2024-9-25 10:46

day2013 發表於 2024-9-25 11:01

day2013 發表於 2024-11-5 02:40

day2013 發表於 2024-11-14 22:43
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