Aodixun2024 發表於 2024-8-7 23:05

Help and advice needed: connecting ipad pro to tube amp

Hi there, may i seek for your kind advice and solution of the captioned?

1. Tried to connect ipad pro to my tube amp by jacking a type c to type b cable to the device giveb by by friend, guess a headphone amp?,strangely 1 out of 10 times the connection could be made, rest trial all failed..and the msg box as shown kept displaying...once i clicked any of them the connection loat or simply cant be connected at all. Tried to find any setting on the iPad for selecting any device to be connected... none i can find. If i click on the "headphone" button, useless too...

What can i do?

2. If i dun use that headphone amp, what kinda device i should use to connect the IPad to my tube amp?

Much appreciated for your help and advice. Thx in advance first.

fatghostslim 發表於 2024-8-9 05:15

I guess your adapter got a usb-A port?
you can try if this will work:
1. connect the adapter with iPad Pro using usb-c, (direct connection I believe)
2. usb-a to the headphone amp,
3. and connect an extra usb-c cable to any power source and plug it in the "PD" port on the adapter to provide extra power to drive the usb-c audio device.

Aodixun2024 發表於 2024-8-15 08:49

fatghostslim 發表於 2024-8-9 05:15
I guess your adapter got a usb-A port?
you can try if this will work:
1. connect the adapter with iP ...

Hi there, can you elaborate more? The ipad pro, Mac book, and the headphone amp all got its own power source already, so still gotta input electricity to the 'adaptor'?

Btw, any dac, or dcp shall I need to replace the headphone amp to connect the ipad pro or notebook computer to the tube amp? My tube amp is an 15 yrs old Melody tube amp btw...
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