Fabregas 發表於 2010-4-17 14:46

Blu-ray package from Amazon US delayed! (實物圖)

本帖最後由 Fabregas 於 2010-4-17 14:47 編輯

Package was shipped on 8-3-2010, estimated delivery date 09- 4-2010
It arrived on 17-4-2010, late by more than 1 week!What's wrong with the delivery ofAmazon US?

I haven't received this kind of package before, postage is US$00.15 only?So low, that's why it took so long?

TV series Fringe (US$24.99) is like X-files, cover design excellent!

The other 3 titles!

Jennifer's body (US$12.99) and (500) days of summer ($12.99) seem to have Chinese subtitles!
Yes Man is only US$10.49!All the prices are increased now!

samuelho12 發表於 2010-4-17 15:04

Yeah, doesn't understand why amazon.com charges so much when it actually takes a few dollars to ship them to Hong Kong.

if you don't want to keep it, rmb to tell me!! {:1_249:}

trycy 發表於 2010-4-17 16:02

Kind of strange, the packaging ......
Fringe is good on Season 1, but I kind of afraid it will 斷尾 ...... {:6_201:}

Fabregas 發表於 2010-4-17 20:31

Yeah, doesn't understand why amazon.com charges so much when it actually takes a few dollars to ship ...
samuelho12 發表於 2010-4-17 15:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Haven't watched Fringe on TV!
Keep it or not?Let's see!{:6_212:}

kennethc2k 發表於 2010-4-17 21:49

I have see it at Pearl and it is very good but some screen may very 恐怖 and some time it may have 驚嚇 ~~~俾幾多心理準備都冇用!

mayling733 發表於 2010-4-17 22:09

C-hing, TV series Fringe is region free???

Fabregas 發表於 2010-4-18 00:20

C-hing, TV series Fringe is region free???
mayling733 發表於 2010-4-17 22:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

TV series Fringe is US blu-ray, it is region free (from blu-ray.com)
If you have a region A player, it's OK as HK and USA are both in region A!

sonycat1229 發表於 2010-4-18 00:24

其實我覺得BLURAY 黎講FILM 可能租都 OK,
反而我鍾意 KEEP 演唱會多D~ 各有不同~{:1_340:}

hulkK 發表於 2010-4-18 02:46

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