大一番 發表於 2010-4-17 14:00

N3 vs oppo83

本人打算升級玩HD音效,現用Epson 2000投影
但藍光機就唔知點,oppo83 Vs N3

maner394 發表於 2010-4-17 14:30

本人打算升級玩HD音效,現用Epson 2000投影
但藍光機就唔知點,oppo83 Vs N3
—部畫面靚 ...
大一番 發表於 2010-4-17 14:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

用在Epson 2000投影oppo83 音畫一定好好多,而 N3 放大會比較差!

djaddy 發表於 2010-4-17 14:42

I added HDD to my Oppo 83 wor. Works perfectly with Fat32.


bb1668 發表於 2010-4-17 15:57

Dear Djaddy C-hing,

Interested in the Oppo solution.However, I have a couple of questions:-

1.Does Oppo support NTFS formatted harddisk?Nearly all of my video files are over the 4G file size limitation imposed by FAT32.

2.Assuming Oppo can take NTFS hardisk, does it support the playback of Blu-ray ISO files?

3.During harddisk playback, can Oppo bitstream HD audio signal (e.g. DTSMA) to AV Amp?

bb1668 發表於 2010-4-17 16:19

oppo當然唔可以play bdiso, 可以既仲駛買 media player
matta722 發表於 2010-4-17 16:11 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

If this is the case, N3 seems to be a more versatile proposition.It features a built-in Blu-ray rom coupled with a drawer for 3.5" harddisk.It can bitstream HD audio from the Blu-ray disk and the files stored in the harddisk.N3 supports the playback of Blu-ray ISO and displays the full Blu-ray menu.It also has network capability.

My preliminary assessment is that unless you primary source is the Blu-ray disks (in which case Oppo I guess will be more than capable, I will definitely go for the N3 solution.

大一番 發表於 2010-4-17 19:31


chhanthony 發表於 2010-4-17 19:35

Media player呢O的機, even有埋BD loader
都唔可取代Blu-ray 機, 主要係因為穩定性一般Blu-ray會好O的

pkny 發表於 2010-4-18 04:39

I have been using my Oppo 83Se as a media player for months.It supports avi, divx, gif, jpg, mka, mkv, mp2, mp3, mpg, png, vob, wma, and the most useful of all -- AVCHD.I put DVDs, blu-rays, 24/192 PCM files onto a harddrive using AVCHD format.The oppo reads all of them perfectly.   The only downside is spending time on transfering the files to AVCHD format (It takes around around 15mins for 40GB HD video).

djaddy 發表於 2010-4-18 07:51

Dear Djaddy C-hing,

Interested in the Oppo solution.However, I have a couple of questions:-

1.   ...
bb1668 發表於 2010-4-17 15:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

U can use AVCHD to resolve the >4Gb issue. All your questions are answered by PKNY hing @ the link I posted.

chrisclw 發表於 2010-4-18 08:01

About OPPO83:
FYI, if you use MKV files mainly, you don't need to convert down to less than 4 GB if you have a DLNA server (NAS or PC with DLNA server program installed). Oppo can read the MKV file over the network without any problem. Downside is that you lose the menu.
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