Ironman promotion (HG)
New promation for the Ironman,new price is MK TF just only $@#%. I saw the promotion last night!Buy iron man BD + 1 more from the list, -$50!
Buy iron man BD + 3 more, -$200! 要買指定BD才 -$200! 指定果3套係
Transformer 2
Startrek 本帖最後由 Billyjean 於 2010-4-21 04:57 編輯
New promation for the Ironman,new price is MK TF just only $@#%.
Laison 發表於 2010-4-17 13:01
前日去買韓版Watchmen我都見到,但俾緊錢我先發現,果一剎那真係有啲後悔,但諗真啲Ironman、Transformer 2一出我已經買咗韓版,而且Startrek我又麻麻地,於是算數。而家睇到Ching報價我三隻碟都差唔多價,順晒!唔該Ching!
yes, yes, you can find in MK TF. 如果我買iron+Watchmen+Startrek要幾$$ ? IRONMAN 我無買blu ray...而家入正好時機.
可惜promotion o個3隻我全部都有{:6_180:} IRONMAN 我有dvd
可惜promotion o個3隻我全部都有