Amazon UK 訂碟又遲了
今朝收到個EMAIL ....點解會關冰島事既....{:6_136:}
Dear Customer, We are writing to inform you that the Volcanic eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland has affected the delivery of your order. Your order has been delayed an extra 1-2 days at present due to air traffic restrictions. If there are any further delays expected, we will of course update you via e-mail. Should your order arrive too late, please note that you have the option to refuse the parcel. We are truly sorry for this delay which is beyond our control and thank you for your understanding. Warmest regards Customer Service Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message. 火山灰出到去UK嘛~~
機場停飛呀~~ 冰島火山灰癱瘓英歐航班 最多停半年, 你驚唔驚. 我今朝o岩o岩收到 email 話我 d 碟 dispatch 左 wow {:6_200:} 本帖最後由 jason_lwk 於 2010-4-17 11:14 編輯
唔知趕唔趕得切呢~~~? 好采今朝收左2盒纸皮,仲有一单唔知會唔會。。。。。{:1_260:} 1-2days.....ok la{:6_136:} My friend is supposed to fly back to London tomorrow (Sun).He was just being informed that his flight will be delayed for a week as there were a lot of backlogs.Good luck to all your orderings.