xxxxERICxxxx 發表於 2010-4-18 02:50

用左個幾月9500, 一切正常........師兄節哀.......
siushan1011 發表於 2010-4-18 00:56


xxxxERICxxxx 發表於 2010-4-18 02:52

電器總有人黑仔...只可以話唔好彩...PHILIPS 其實係唔錯
francis_leung21 發表於 2010-4-18 02:29

    大陸d QC 害死佢!{:6_188:}

yyyymmdd 發表於 2010-4-18 09:59

我對大陸d QC 都無咩信心{:1_260:}

xxxxERICxxxx 發表於 2010-4-18 13:55

我對大陸d QC 都無咩信心
yyyymmdd 發表於 2010-4-18 09:59


KING 發表於 2010-4-18 13:59


francis_leung21 發表於 2010-4-18 20:48

有人用佐好多年都唔壞...有人用下就壞....就OM 來說...產品點都會有ERROR...就算1% 要回收...我諗都有幾百幾千件...即係會有幾百個黑仔既人...但係諗深一層...佢只有1%既野有問題...所以只可以話黑仔

AV原人 發表於 2010-4-18 21:35


rictsang 發表於 2010-4-18 21:49

I remember I have bought their 963sa years ago and had a problem of a thin grey line on the screen, they sent their so called c fu and check it and cannot fix it and finally they replaced a new one for me. So don't worry and insist they change a new one for you.

lck 發表於 2010-4-18 22:38

I am also using 9500. Bought in Feb. But I don't have 保養咭 in the package. Maintenance is registered thru Internet. Nevertheless recently my m/c has the problem that the display pannel on the left hand side of the pannel can only turn on after around 20 minutes of operation.

joey.minihouse 發表於 2010-4-19 02:05

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查看完整版本: 我好後悔做左兩件錯事....(雨過天清,9500已經非常精神)

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