josephyeung426 發表於 2024-6-10 03:46

NOVOICE 發表於 2024-6-9 06:46 ...

Thank you Ching , I will try to contact Denon UK

bearbearloo 發表於 2024-6-10 05:09

NOVOICE 發表於 2024-6-9 06:46 ...

Thanks for your sharing. Glad to hear that yours is still under warranty, enjoy.

bearbearloo 發表於 2024-6-10 05:10

josephyeung426 發表於 2024-6-10 03:45
可惜我依家唔喺香港居住去咗英國,相信要聯絡英國天龍安排維修,但並非一件容易嘅事 ...

oic. Good Luck.

bearbearloo 發表於 2024-6-10 05:23

本帖最後由 bearbearloo 於 2024-6-10 05:28 編輯

NOVOICE 發表於 2024-6-9 06:46 ...

I had called Denon service hotline a month ago, told them about the symptoms which there had some other local/overseas users encountered, I asked them because I wanted to know how much the maintenance cost but they denied they had this damage case before so could not quote me the cost!   WTF!!!(At least 3 Denon users in this post76 have had this problem so far).

How come so many users encountered the same problem, design fault!? Seems the next AVR I should change from Denon to other brands.

josephyeung426 發表於 2024-6-10 06:07

bearbearloo 發表於 2024-6-10 05:23
I had called Denon service hotline a month ago, told them about the symptoms which there had some ...

依個問題我都有請教過某大影音公司嘅老細,佢都話依家嘅所謂高階產品佢設計太精密,但係越嚟越唔襟用,佢好多熟客都係咁樣無端端就壞咗,所以買部平價嘅Amp玩住先就算,小弟本身影音分家,我要部AV M都係用嚟做AV前級用,依家喺英國已經睇定Marantz Cinema 70s ,貪佢有pre out 同埋價錢平

josephyeung426 發表於 2024-6-11 02:28

bearbearloo 發表於 2024-6-10 05:23
I had called Denon service hotline a month ago, told them about the symptoms which there had some ...


bearbearloo 發表於 2024-6-11 08:54

josephyeung426 發表於 2024-6-11 02:28

Thanks for update and sharing.

bearbearloo 發表於 2024-6-16 08:09

NOVOICE 發表於 2024-6-9 06:46 ...

and "相信係電路版及電容出現問題"

唂鬼氣拆佢出嚟睇, 目測結果未必關電容事。

頁: 1 [2]
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