yukenki 發表於 2011-3-8 11:28

我用 QNAP TS410 -> NA7004 -> LX83 with cheap RCA cable Play FLAC

rickychan1005 發表於 2011-3-11 11:56

My set up as follow
Pc--0404pci--qed diy 同鈾--dac magic--pa02 diy rca --nad int.amp-- wharfedale diamond 10.6 .,foobar ,darkone ver and play flac file.
But i feel there are abig different between test thecd player in hi fi shop testing,haha

eddyman 發表於 2011-3-12 19:30

my system is

Asus S101 =>USB cable=> DA11+> HD800 or
Asus S101=> USB=>DA11 => Harman Kardon=> Speaker

eddyman 發表於 2011-3-12 19:31

For IP4 or IPad => Line out=> RCA=> DAC=> Amp=> Speaker

greatbrian 發表於 2011-3-14 01:23

at the beginning: nas -> ps3 -> hdmi -> lx73 -> speaker
later: nas -> notebook (foobar) -> usb -> acram rdac -> rac -> lx73 -> speaker
source: mp3, aiff, wav, flac

rhys 發表於 2011-3-25 12:36

想問下你地aiff format儲在nas,用notebook read時會不會沒有了metadata?只得歌名,入面沒歌的資料?
我在mac機用iTunes rip 做aiff的,在mac上iTunes看到歌的資料,但在foobar ( win xp )上就看不到..

bb1668 發表於 2011-3-25 15:27

My set up as follows:-

Hardware:MacBook Pro 13.3" --> Neotech Fireware --> Weiss DAC2 --> Accoustic Zen XLR cable --> Gryphon 2200 --> Dynaudio 2200

Software:Mac OS --> Pure Music + iTune; Audirvana
                   Win7 OS --> Foobar + Darkone (accessed the music files through MacDrive)

Format:All files stored in AIFF format

Remote: iPad

bb1668 發表於 2011-3-25 15:33

本帖最後由 bb1668 於 2011-3-25 15:35 編輯

回復 76# rhys


Foobar cannot read the metadata stored in AIFF format and that is why most of detail infomation regarding a song cannot be properly displayed when using Foobar as the player for an AIFF formatted music file.

Personally, I love Foobar and I reckon it is better than iTune (even partnered with Pure Music under the Mac OS).However, I guess life is not perfect.You can either opt for sound quality and choose Foobar or just stick with iTune for its ease of use.

If you are using Foobar, you should also consider upgrading your operating system so that you can take advantage of the WASAPI pluggin.The WASAPI plug in only works in Win7 but not WinXP.You will be surprised in the level of improvement.

rhys 發表於 2011-3-26 09:17

回復 78# bb1668


bb1668 發表於 2011-3-28 10:25


You do not need to buy a new notebook as server.All you have to do is to upgrade your operating system to Win7.

If budget is tight or you have to stick with Win XP, you can still "upgrade" your foobar by installing ASIO output plugin.

For installation, you can refer to the following links for details:-

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