剛買左馬仔6004, 比起之前onkyo 705....
不論包圍感同分析力都有進步, 又靚仔, 好開心~,~ chinghow much {:1_347:} Congra{:6_231:} 恭喜, 係唔係黑色呀? 恭喜!我現在用了6004近兩個月.覺得好滿意.特別睇演唱會同聽歌效果更好. 不論包圍感同分析力都有進步, 又靚仔, 好開心~,~
hollandken 發表於 2010-4-16 10:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄, 黑色? 入手幾錢 {:6_238:} C-Hing,
Is it true that the Marantz is more musical than the Onkyo?Could you please let me know the price difference between the two?
Many thanks in advance. 師兄, 入手幾錢?我都有興趣{:1_335:} 恭喜!我現在用了6004近兩個月.覺得好滿意.特別睇演唱會同聽歌效果更好.
pp101 發表於 2010-4-16 11:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
小弟都覺得呢部機c/p很高{:6_193:} 有新玩具 恭喜{:6_234:}