bb1668 發表於 2010-4-16 15:28

My only problem with N3 is the screen black out situation.For example:-

1.Watching a movie using N3 (through the HDMI 1 input)
2.Switch to watch TV (through the TV input) for a while; N3 is still playing the movie
3.Switch back to N3 for the moive (through the HDMI 1 input)===> black screen

The solution to this situation is to press the "stop" button to stop the playing of the movie.Then the normal N3 screen re-appears.I have to press the "play" button again to re-start the movie from the beginning.Of course, I have to manually search for the place where I stop last time again.This is a pain in the neck!!

I do not know if this is the problem of N3 or my Pioneer LX82.Any thought?

ack_lam 發表於 2010-4-16 15:53

回復 11# bb1668

    Ching, you situation is exactly same as Pepsiman Ching, I don't have such problem, strange!

bb1668 發表於 2010-4-16 15:59

回復 12# ack_lam

Thanks for your reply.In that case, I believe the one to blame is our respective AV Amp rather than the N3.Mr. Yu (the Hong Kong dealer) once told me that this might well be the HDMI handshake problem between the N3 and the AV Amp.

ack_lam 發表於 2010-4-16 16:07

回復 13# bb1668

Oh I see, thanks for telling us that.
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查看完整版本: 想請教當N3睇緊戲時調校喇叭大細聲的問題.

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