《捉鬼敢死隊:冰封魅來》影評 : 延續系列胡鬧搞鬼公式
https://youtu.be/07epJpgyBpc 講真上一集真係覺得一啲都唔好睇,就算用CG做咗已死舊嘅捉鬼敢死隊演員出嚟都完全冇感,唯一覺得嘅賣點就係啲細路坐住架捉鬼車捉鬼啲音效就好正,啲鬼左穿右插完全可以發揮atmos音效 i quite like this movie overall, not as bad as IMDB or other online reviews say.good to see the old characters, they are as funny and nice as ever, like old friends. the new young girl lead is alright, she looks a bit like Natalie Portman. 上集個o靚真係眼前一亮, 未來之星👍