day2013 發表於 2024-3-23 07:33

《The Absence of Eden》Zoe Saldana, Garrett Hedlund

導演 : Marco Perego

主演 : Adria Arjona, Garrett Hedlund, Zoe Saldana, Morningstar Angeline, Maeve Garay, Sophia Hammons, Luce Rains, Tom Waits, Vincent Fuentes, David DeLao

美國上映日期: 2024年04月12日

    When Esmee ( Zoe Saldana), a young woman working as a private dancer in Mexico, is forced to commit a violent act of self-defense that results in the death of a cartel member, she flees her homeland for sanctuary in the United States.Guided by a ruthless Coyote and a group of undocumented immigrants, she befriends a young mother and her daughter along the way. Before crossing the border, the mother is taken from the group, and Esmee promises to protect her daughter and help them reunite again in America, touching off an interlocking story about people struggling to survive on America's border with Mexico.
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