day2013 發表於 2024-3-15 07:21

《Cash Out》John Travolta, Kristin Davis

導演 : Ives

主演 : John Travolta, Kristin Davis, Lukas Haas, Quavo, Victorya Brandart, Demián Castro, Joel Cohen, Natali Yura, Chris Lindsay, Korrina Rico

美國上映日期: 2024年04月26日

    Mason (John Travolta) , leader of a high-end crew of thieves that hang it up for good after a double-cross spells a near miss with the law. But when he’s thrust into his younger brother Shawn's (Lukas Haas)hare-brained scheme to rob a bank – and tempted by what could be his biggest score ever – Mason jumps right back into his old ways. Then the heist goes awry, and the thieves are trapped inside the bank with hostages while surrounded by SWAT teams, the FBI, and Interpol. Included among the authorities waiting to nab the crew is someone Mason knows well: lead negotiator Decker (Kristin Davis) — Mason's former lover.
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