claero 發表於 2010-5-10 12:45

希望買左既師兄比多D意見啦~‘’~ ...
S.Master 發表於 2010-5-10 04:41

of course ca 650 will be better than ps3 ,i still using old version ps3 ,i rather choose soemthing in between like sony 360 or bd30 or 60 . depends how much your amp as well .

pam_jack 發表於 2010-5-10 13:42

the day i test they are using this player as well.
claero 發表於 10-5-2010 12:42

Claero 兄...你覺得其實係咪一套西裝真係會好 d 嘅呢 ~~

S.Master 發表於 2010-5-10 18:40


shing517 發表於 2010-5-10 19:23


claero 發表於 2010-5-10 22:50

Claero 兄...你覺得其實係咪一套西裝真係會好 d 嘅呢 ~~
pam_jack 發表於 2010-5-10 13:42

yes ....but not the most important part because i guess cambridge amp will tune the sound since amp decode .i will suggest the grade at bd30 or sony 360 can work well enough already ,but of course if u have enough buget then a set will be great because japanese style was different as british sound for sure .

pam_jack 發表於 2010-5-10 23:25

yes ....but not the most important part because i guess cambridge amp will tune the sound since am ...
claero 發表於 10-5-2010 22:50

明白...所以我都打算最後一刻先決定部 BDP...到時將貨就價 ~~

claero 發表於 2010-5-11 00:41

明白...所以我都打算最後一刻先決定部 BDP...到時將貨就價 ~~
pam_jack 發表於 2010-5-10 23:25

smart choice ,spend more on amp will be more worth ....if u are not playing projector or big screen

francis_leung21 發表於 2010-5-11 00:49

may be bd30 or sony 360 will be fine if focus on sound quality only .
claero 發表於 2010-5-10 12:43

大家都誤會佐我意思...我係回應之前有人話cambridge hdmi 唔夠

pam_jack 發表於 2010-5-11 02:17

我又想請教吓部 650R 係用 32-bit...
"Cirrus CS49700 chipset features twin 32-bit DSP cores"
Yamaha Z7 都係 "Burr-Brown 192kHz / 24-bit DACs"
咁 650R 咪比一般中高階機嘅 24-bit 仲要高?我有冇理解錯呀?

而且佢嘅 THD 係 <0.006% @1kHz...Z7 都係 <0.04% (20 Hz - 20 kHz, CD, Front Sp Out)...相差都幾多倍...不過唔知條數點計 ~~

係咪因為咁所以 650R 嘅音質略優勝於其他 AV Amp 呢?
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查看完整版本: suprised by cambridge av amp!!!

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