只係用尼係屋企晚上用,費事嘈到人。插落av amp到,聽歌、睇戲。師兄有冇好介紹。 會唔會就咁用返 普通 mp3機, 電話都得啦 會唔會就咁用返 普通 mp3機, 電話都得啦
sonycat1229 發表於 2010-4-14 23:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔會喇,for 係屋企用。 對依隻有興趣,各位知唔知邊到有得賣同幾多錢?thx
http://www.audio-technica.co.jp/atj/sc/ath-esw9/index.html 預幾多錢? $2000以內 Budget at two thousands, there is a lot of choices like:
- Audio Technica ATH PRO700GD at abt 1.6k
- Shure SRH750DJ at 1.4k
- Ultrasone HFI 780 at 2k
- Monster Beats by Dr Dre Solo at 1.8
Shure and Audio Technica has better comments but headphones like speakers that
you need to hear by yourself to see if it suits your taste ! 找唔到Audio Technica ATH-ESW9{:1_331:},可能係幾年前出關係。 回復 4# 米赫洛域
米兄 , 我最近都係度唸緊呢只野 ESW-9 (木壳) !
我未聽過 , 唔知 米兄 有冇 聽過 呢 !
ESW-9 係MK 見過 價錢 係 2仟 有找 . for 5.1?{:6_134:}