day2013 發表於 2024-1-10 07:22

《Float》Andrea Bang, Robbie Amell

導演 : Sherren Lee

主演 : Andrea Bang, Robbie Amell, Michelle Krusiec, Andrew Bachelor, Rukiya Bernard, Sarah Desjardins

美國上映日期: 2024年02月09日

    Waverly (Andrea Bang) thought she had her future figured out. She'd start her medical residency in Toronto after a summer visit to her parents in Taipei. When her plans are suddenly changed, she makes an impulsive detour to a small Canadian town, where she meets local lifeguard Blake (Robbie Amell). After he saves her from nearly drowning at a beach party, Blake offers to teach Waverly to swim, and as the lessons continue, the two unexpectedly find themselves falling in love. But will Blake's ties to his past and Waverly’s plans to begin a new job keep them apart once summer ends? Based on the novel by Kate Marchant.
頁: [1]
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