Scandyna 做5.1 for movie ok嗎
本帖最後由 papabaggio 於 2010-4-13 23:47 編輯如果買minipod做前置,cinepod ,Micropod SE後置,(SUB仔唔知配咩好)for movie(但亦要兼顧演唱會blu-ray),此組合得嘛{:6_141:} ,如ok請問配乜嘢AMP好(要有2個HDMI output) Thanks! P.S 這套組合大概咩價位呀! what is your size of room? 同價位黎講佢值呢個價 100呎內應該沒問題 , 不過記緊要選擇中階或以上既subwoofer .二個output hdmi 可考慮marantz SR6004 又平又抵玩 . yes, it is suitable for movie and concert. I am using scandyan + marantz, good match
and speaker (not include sub)+ amp should be ard $13000 yes, it is suitable for movie and concert. I am using scandyan + marantz, good match
and speaker (no ...
andycola 發表於 2010-4-14 11:19
唔該各位, 咁請問師兄唔計AMP,依套組合係咩價位呀?另外AMP如果係Yamaha V3900或Pionner LX52得嘛!