wally 發表於 2023-12-16 22:45

Pioneer VSD-1130

價錢 HK$: 1800
Fully Function.
Lightly Scratched.
Have mic and remote control

[*]7.2-channel home theater receiver with Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth®, Apple AirPlay®, and Dolby Atmos®
[*]7-channel amplifier
[*]100 watts per channel into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.08% THD, with 2 channels driven
[*]Discrete Direct Energy amplifier design for consistent multi-channel sound quality
[*]Dolby® and DTS® surround sound decoding
[*]Dolby Atmos processing for use with in-ceiling or "height" speakers for more enveloping surround sound; compatible with 7-channel setups
[*]4K Ultra HD upscaling
[*]Multi-Channel Acoustic Calibration Pro automatically optimizes your speakers for your room and setup (microphone included)
[*]Subwoofer EQ and Standing Wave Control help deliver accurate, even bass throughout the room

wally 發表於 2023-12-18 23:59

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