請教 cd 16bit / 24 bit
近排開始認真接觸 cd , 開始去學習 cd 野 ,早前聽個同事同我講 cd , 經常性聽佢提及「 24 bit 靚聲」,
剛好早幾日買左隻娜姐 bd , 行版包埋一隻 cd ,
因為我無 cd 機 , 咁一般我都會 rip wav 出黎入機聽 ,
今次特別留意 rip 出黎 bit 數 , 我 rip 係跟訊源 bit 數 , 見到係 16 bit ,
想問下各師兄現時一般 cd 都係用 16 bit 錄製 ?
因為見一啲網上同 wiki 都係咁講 , 只有啲特別錄製版先係 24 bit ?
唔該各師兄 {:1_347:} 呢隻咪24bit law!
呢隻咪24bit law!
KING 發表於 2010-4-13 21:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
即係只係某啲 CD 會特別以 24 BIT 製 ?
一般都係 16 BIT ? 即係只係某啲 CD 會特別以 24 BIT 製 ?
一般都係 16 BIT ?
rikudoll 發表於 2010-4-13 21:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Long time ago, I got 1 bit Sony CD player.... sometime really don't know more bit is better or less bit is better{:6_168:} 咁一般CD又冇標明係幾多bit喎!
32bit CD都有喎!
我都想知16,24,32bit有幾大分別? for my knowledge, all the Compact CD format is 44kHz/16bit,
but some CD are using 192kHz/24bit to process (Analoge to Digital), means that using high A/D to sampling & then down convert to 44kHz/16bit to become a standard CD format.
SACD is 2822Khz/1bit DSD processing, so I think that it is hard to say high bit rate is better than low bit rate or not.
Am I right ? for my knowledge, all the Compact CD format is 44kHz/16bit,
but some CD are using 192kHz/24bit to pr ...
chanfai 發表於 2010-4-13 23:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Yes, all audio cd is 44Khz 16bit PCM format. Some recording use 24bit or more, but all of them will truncate back to 16 bit for CD productions.
SACD is a totally different topology, so talking how many 'bit' in SACD is meanlingless, coz it is not PCM